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BITE user profile - Leone123

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Username: Leone123

Age: 79

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Leone123

Harkers, York

The response to my review from Groinhammer was strange, and from someone who thinks that white wine should be drunk with fish and red wine with meat; that old cherry went out many moons ago. He didn't mention the all-important poorly condition of the Ladies' loos. Does this person, and I assume that he is a Northern chap with little or no knowledge or taste for wine, but that's OK because I cannot drink beer, have an axe to grind? Perhaps a more positive and helpful response from this person with a chip on his shoulder would have been more useful.

30 Sep 2008 21:38

Harkers, York

Harkers was very similar to Wetherspoons, but with acceptable, low musak, and a better ambiance. The best battered cod I have ever had, and my first mushy peas in 64 years, but the chips were soggy and flaccid. My husband was very happy with his real ale, but the red wines were dire. The friendly staff let me taste several, but they were all sharp and heavy, and very similar. Why don't pubs supply a range of wines from light through to extra heavy - three would cover all tastes? Even the white wine in York was very limited, with the ubiquitous, and to me undrinkable, Chardonney, Sauvignon and Liebframilch only available; and as for Stowells' wines, even in the supermarket they are horrible. I was told gleefully at Harkers that they had a 'Merlot', and told them that the grape is important but what the wineries do with it is even more so; the Merlot was not a nice one! The problem is that many pub staff know nothing about wine, particularly inthe North. The ladies' loos were pretty bad, and several of the locks didn't work. I reported this, and would be interested to know if anything is done. I found that the only decent red wine in York was available at Wetherspoon's, and I do like their Merlot, although there was a vast range of well-kept real ales available throughout the city, so I am sorry that I can't drink anything other than wine. If the supermarkets can provide a range of very drinkable and reasonably-priced wines, why can't the pubs do likewise?

15 Sep 2008 11:24

The Refectory, Godalming

Why are there no reviews viewable prior to 12 August 2008? This was always a wonderful carvery before it was taken over by whoever in 2005/6. OAPs got a discount so it was always full, but was equally excellent for a family meal or even a corporate lunch. Went there just the once under the new ownership, but walked out without spending anything because standards gad fallen, and I couldn;t understand the rules. Such a shame, as it served all of us for whatever we wanted. Haven't been there since I moved away from Godalming, but I see that things haven't improved. Miss the Refectory - as is used to be!

26 Aug 2008 21:22

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Leone123 has been registered on this site since 26th January 2008