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BITE user profile - Allblacks28

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Username: Allblacks28

Age: 57

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Allblacks28

The Devils Dyke Hotel, Brighton

AVOID. AVOID. AVOID. There was MUD in my food. Actual mud. When I showd it to the waitress her respose was: "Would you like some desert?" Perhaps she was a robot programmed to say that phrase? I asked her if she would eat it herself. Her reply was that she would take it and show it to the chef. She came back a few minutes later and asked me if I wanted desert! I asked her if the chef was willing to eat the mud and she said he was willing to replace that part of the meal. Not the dish, no refund, just that bit to which the mud was stuck!

7 Jun 2010 05:47

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Allblacks28 has been registered on this site since 7th June 2010