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BITE user comments - manfromthebush

Comments by manfromthebush

The Andover Arms, Hammersmith

I see that the discussion is also kicking off on the forum.

20 Aug 2009 21:18

The Andover Arms, Hammersmith

He appears to be back alright judging by the drivel posted this morning.

Rather early by all accounts for the lanlord to be hitting the bottle.

16 Jul 2009 13:36

The Andover Arms, Hammersmith

I hear they are doing phase 2 of the shoddy refurb today.

6 Jul 2009 13:47

The Andover Arms, Hammersmith

Excellent leter from John Bonser.

Dear Mr Emeny

Re: ANDOVER � Arms (Andy)

I am writing to offer my sincere condolences for the recent passing of Andy as reported in the Daily Telegraph of 25th June 2009.

Andy was a great friend of mine for many years, especially when looked after by his parents, Tom and Moira.

I fear that when his new stepfather arrived on the scene, perhaps he did give Andy rather too much latitude � and let�s face it, Boys will be Boys! But from being the bright and handsome lad he once was, he turned into a former shadow of himself � thin, emaciated and downright ugly. (Incidentally there is a rumour circulating that Andy was in fact murdered by his stepfather and other close relatives).

As I search for a new friend in the Hammersmith area, I only hope I can find one half as good as dear old Andy once was.

I can imagine how devastated you personally must be at losing such a dear friend and I mourn with you.

Will you be attending the funeral personally?

Yours sincerely

6 Jul 2009 13:45

The Andover Arms, Hammersmith

Couldn�t agree more with the comments of Shinty99. An absolute disgrace that this once fine neighbourhood pub was ripped apart to become another bland pseudo gastro pub.

The landlord clearly wants rid of us regulars.

What on earth is Mr Emeny and Co at Fullers thinking of? Surely they could have stopped the landlord losing the run of himself.

Another soon to be ex-regular.

26 Jun 2009 12:04

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