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BITE user comments - RINO

Comments by RINO

The Dog and Bull, Croydon

Nice pub despite indifferent staff and management. Beer is good when the glass if filled direct from the pump BUT not so good when it is topped up from the spillage glass at the side (which I thought was against the law !!) Food is nice but vastly overpriced for a back street boozer

22 Nov 2014 16:53

The Dog and Bull, Croydon

Well its been two months since the new lady manager took over, and what a change ! Well thats a joke, NO CHANGE WHATSOEVER. Hardly any customers, and now it seems that to make the money up they are giving you less in your glass. The only warm welcome you would get in the pub is if it caught fire

22 Mar 2013 12:52

The Dog and Bull, Croydon

Have been back a couple of times in the past few weeks, but nothing much has changed. The staff are still as unfriendly as ever. I was hoping, but not really expecting a bit of Christmas Cheer. The management and staff have made no effort whatsoever to create any kind of Christmas atmosphere. I hear that the
manager Andy has left for pastures new, and at the end of January there is a new lady manager taking over, lets hope she can chivvy up the staff a bit, and change it back into the pub it used to be a few years ago. What this pub needs is a "mien host" which has been lacking over the last few years

10 Dec 2012 13:48

The Dog and Bull, Croydon

I have been using the Dog and Bull for a good few years now. It has always been a very expensive pub to drink in, but you were made to feel welcome by the mangement and the staff BUT NOT ANY MORE I'M AFRAID.
The staff here at the moment (March 2012) are some of the most unwelcoming and unfriendly I have ever encountered in any pub I have ever visited. A good pub is not the building or location but the people that frequent it and moreover the staff behind the bar. What with the smoking ban and the very expensive price of drink PLUS the miserable staff I can't see a future for this fine old boozer. I think Young's should take a good long look at this place before it goes the way of many, many other pubs and has to close down due to lack of punters.

22 Mar 2012 14:18

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