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Haymoor, Canford Heath

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user reviews of the Haymoor, Canford Heath

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

The reason this pub is busy is purely due to the fact that beer is cheap, there is very little competition for miles around, and the pub is surrounded by a dense housing estate. You certainly can't credit the lazy, surly, landlord and landlady with any genius.
Visit the place on a friday evening, and you will wait a full 10 minutes to get served every time you visit the bar - there's never enough bar staff on, and the ones that are there work at a glacial pace. Food is cheap and bad - a recent meal there of a half roast chicken and chips consisted of by far the smallest chicken I've ever seen - more like a sparrow - and a stingy portion of 10 or 12 chips in a small bowl.
You'll be happy with all of this if you're one of the tattooed, knuckle dragging locals. Nobody else need bother themselves with this crappy boozer. Unfortunately I have no choice since a group I belong to meet there. Pray for me.
js70062 - 10 Mar 2012 14:59
I suspect that as the nearby Darby's Corner has closed, previously hostile tribes will be congregating in this superficial, cheap, 'touch of the Scottish' dive.

Expect fisticuffs and licence issues..... What fun!
anonymous - 27 Apr 2011 09:38
have only been there once we had a voucher food ok was cheap chips were not cooked enough but liked the pub on the whole
godzillagranny - 20 Oct 2010 16:46
Visited this pub two days ago.Not my type of pub so I will try to be unbiased! Beer was cheap(prefer it to be good)and averagely kept (Ringwood Best). Two steaks-cheap(�7 for two)so didnt expect much,good job-first atempt to get 1 medium rare 1 rare resulted in 2 unappetising looking, barely medium steaks. Second attempt- 1 not bad and was done ok(medium rare) other 25% gristle and just about medium. Deciding I didnt want to wait or return here I ate up. My friend complained a second time, the landlady came to the table not prepared to listen and or accept the food was not acceptable. I can only say if you rate price over quality and good service,use this pub! Dont compain if you dont like it youll be banned!
piddleinthewind - 23 May 2008 11:12
Since the makeover - I'd advise anyone looking for a nice and well priced meal to go here. It's very busy on a Fri, Sat night and Sunday lunch times. Some nice bar staff - The food was lovely!
shelleycourt - 16 Nov 2007 14:20
I visited the haymoor a couple of weeks ago and found everything was really nice. The bar person (I think his name was Simon) who served me was very nice, very chatty and also knew his stuff. I Ordered a pint of Carlsberg and also a glass of wine and still had change from a fiver. Would recommend it to anyone
anonymous - 1 Feb 2007 15:32
to many locals for my liking. the landlord is a miserable chap tho on mondays its worth going as pints are only �1.50!

wayne robbins - 4 Jun 2004 23:32
Bit of a dive for most of the time but atmosphere can be very good when its packed out for the football. Esp. Arsenal v. Man Utd games! Prices reasonable.
Alex - 26 Mar 2004 15:22
very enjoyable meals at reasonable prices
sharne - 8 Feb 2004 12:10
I Visited the emergency dentist nearb1y a while back. Realising my appointment would be well over an hour i wandered into this place. I left after 15 minutes there was more atmosphere in the waiting room.
anonymous - 22 Jan 2004 11:38

got anything to say about this pub?

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