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BITE user profile - saintpeter48

Profile information

Username: saintpeter48

Age: 45

Sex: ?

Latest comments by saintpeter48

The Bellemoor, Southampton

have been to the quiz nights on tuesdays a few times now and the 'lady' who reads out the questions is a dork, she cannot string two words together and thinks she's great because she's got the answers in front of her when really she is thick as shit!! she gives answers to her favourite teams, meaning other teams have no chance of winning the quiz. She likes the sound of her own voice and is a complete moron!! the other chap who presents every now and then is much better, GIVE HER THE BOOT FOR GODS SAKE!!

9 Sep 2009 00:21

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saintpeter48 has been registered on this site since 9th September 2009