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BITE user profile - foxy69

Profile information

Username: foxy69

Age: 45

Sex: male

Latest comments by foxy69

The Duke Of Beaufort, Brighton

Hi. I'm a different new landlord at the Duke of Beaufort! In reply to the previous post I would just like to say that Real Ale will definitely be back at The Beaufort! I have ordered up some Laines Best and Dark Star Hylder Blonde which, all being well, will be flowing by Saturday evening (22/09/12). A 3rd pump will be appearing shortly and my aim is to gather enough ale drinkers to have them all flowing with good quality local ales asap. I have worked for Wye Valley Brewery so I know good beer and I will do my best to make sure The Beaufort always has exactly that.

So please come back and visit us soon.

Cheers, Gordon.

19 Sep 2012 17:59

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foxy69 has been registered on this site since 19th September 2012