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BITE user profile - BobbyTupper

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Latest comments by BobbyTupper

The George and Dragon, West Haddlesey

I'm so pleased to hear the heartening comments about this pub, and look forward to my holiday in December up there to savour the changes. Souds as though ut's under new management.

18 Nov 2011 21:55

The George and Dragon, West Haddlesey

Well chaps, been in again, not good is it? I was encouraged by the recent posts, and decided to try the place again, but dear me, it just gets worse!

Even mine hosts are getting the message, apparently they drink in The Sloop! Not as dumb as they look!!

26 Aug 2010 11:16

The Jug Inn, Chapel Haddlesey

Nice pub.
Nice people.
Nice food.

Try it yourself!

25 Mar 2010 11:48

See all comments by BobbyTupper

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BobbyTupper has been registered on this site since 25th March 2010